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Shares FAQ

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How can I buy TomTom shares?

With these details your bank account manager or sharebroker can help you further:
ISIN: NL0013332471
Common Code: 021984272
Amsterdam security Code Number: 38705
Euronext Amsterdam - Symbol: TOM2

On what stock exchange are TomTom shares listed?

TomTom shares are listed on the Euronext Amsterdam.

What is the stock/ticker symbol for TomTom shares?

The NYSE Euronext Amsterdam symbol is TOM2.

What is the TomTom share price?

Please see share price.

Can you comment on the development of the share price?

We do not comment on the development of our share price. We recommend contacting your bank or broker for this.

What are Treasury shares?

Treasury shares are the shares, TomTom NV repurchased via the share buyback programme, as announced on 19 September 2017.

These shares are used to cover commitments under TomTom stock option and share plans.
Treasury shares receive no dividends and have no voting rights. 

Does TomTom pay a dividend?

TomTom has no current plans to distribute dividends.

Where can I find historical prices of TomTom stock?

Historical share price information can be viewed at historic data page.

How many TomTom shares have been issued?

The shareholder structure page shows the total number of shares issued.