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TomTom and EU Presidency Collaborate on Historic Self-Driving Car Event

Apr 14, 2016


Amsterdam, The Netherlands – 14 April 2016 – TomTom today announced its participation in a historic self-driving car event, which culminated in 28 EU Transport Ministers being driven in autonomous vehicles in real traffic conditions in Amsterdam. The cars were provided by a range of car manufacturers.

The EU Transport Ministers were gathered in the Dutch capital, under the Dutch EU presidency, to work toward eliminating regulatory and technical barriers around autonomous driving.

Speaking before the event, Willem Strijbosch, Head of Autonomous Driving at TomTom, said: "We are very excited to be part of such a historic occasion, the coming together of 28 EU Transport Ministers, experiencing first-hand the future of self-driving cars. It's great that TomTom is playing such an important role with its highly-detailed maps and precise localisation."

TomTom's BANDIT action cameras have been following the story of the day, with TomTom sharing the resulting footage on its social channels.